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Impact :

It resulted into significant reduction in the under 5 children mortality and prevalence of severe malnutrition. Click Here to read more



A premature baby, who born with weight < 1.5 Kg & whose mother even could not carry her in lap, turned into normal healthy girl as a result of efforts by MAHAN team



A child who was very critical & suffering from worst degree of severe malnutrition & severe pneumonia, who was admitted in various Govt. Hospitals for 2 months but she could not improve & finally sent back home. ‘Now it is God’s will’ was the reaction of helpless parents. How MAHAN team turned it into miracle, by not only saving baby but turning her into a healthy child

‘Kangaroo Bag’

‘Kangaroo Bag’

Innovative way of saving premature & low birth weight babies using ‘Kangaroo Bag’. Low cost, locally made, alternative to neonatal ICU.

Village Health Workers

Village Health Workers

Sustainable method

Sustainable method

- ‘Making nutrition rich food from locally available material’ . A big leap in reduction of malnutrition. Demonstration by Mrs. Pendharkar, Nutrition Expert

VHW, with the help of MAHAN

VHW, with the help of MAHAN

Innovative Flip chart, educating a woman. MAHAN conducted more than 3732 health education programs for more than 73576 people using MAHAN developed CD & Flipchart.

A VHW with Medical Kit

A VHW with Medical Kit

Due to lack of transport facilities, scattered nature of hamlets / villages , patients going to hospital was dream, also doctor reaching to the patient was a tough task. It was overcome by developing 17 local tribal female as Village Health Workers (VHW)/ ‘Bare Foot Doctor’ for treatment of ‘under 5 years age children’ and adults. A Village health Worker, VHW, with her medical kit.

VHWs, successfully injected 1000s of injections to new born babies without any complications.

Home Based Neonatal (0-28 days) Care

Home Based Neonatal (0-28 days) Care

by VHW

VHW ‘Sukarai’ received

VHW ‘Sukarai’ received

'Jamshetji Tata National Virtual Academy fellowship’ for Rural Prosperity'

Weighing of Anganwadi Inmates

Weighing of Anganwadi Inmates

By Village Health Workers

Balance diet distribution

Balance diet distribution

MAHAN developed flip chart

MAHAN developed flip chart

To facilitate VHW to perform their job better & scientifically

Home Based Child Care


Problem Background :
Melghat, the hilly forest region inhabited mostly by tribal was known for very high infant mortality and Malnutrition related deaths (among children under 5 yrs of age). The neonatal mortality rate (NMR), Infant Mortality rate (IMR) & under 5 children mortality rate (U5MR) were about 54,94 & 140 respectively per 1000 live births during the year 2004. 

MAHAN Intervention & Impact: 
MAHAN trained semi-literate tribal women treated under 5 children suffering from acute respiratory infections (ARI), diarrhea, malaria, severe malnutrition, neonatal sepsis and birth asphyxia. Intensive health and nutrition education was imparted.


Reduction in Under 5 Mortality Rate by 75% due to treatment of  >1,05,000 childhood illnesses-Episodes, free of cost. 

Reduction in Severe Malnutrition prevalence by 76%

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